

mountain pathPerseverance

After spending so much time on my first submission for a blog, I had neglected to consider how many words I would need to tell that story. It was too long!  I needed to try again!  Initially I was discouraged at my own suggestion.  I am a story teller, and I am long-winded!   Maybe I just couldn’t do this!  But I had prayed for God’s will, for the Holy Spirit to inspire what I should write; what God wanted me to say.  This morning as I sat in prayer, our God of Hope whispered in my heart:  “persevere and you will hear!”

Through the parish leadership, we have been asked to ‘ponder’ on how we can strengthen our faith community through worship, compassion and perseverance. And today this became, for me, a real opportunity to experience perseverance and to pray through it!  God hears the inexpressible groanings of our hearts and He always responds.  I must ‘listen’ more carefully.  Every day presents new dilemmas through which, with God’s help, we must persevere.  Our call is not always clear in every circumstance.   But we know each of us is called.  And to follow in His footsteps, we too must respond!

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