Same Old, Same Old!

Same Old, Same Old!

Same old, same old!

Has someone ever answered your question of how are you, with a ‘same old, same old’ response?

A friend asked me if I had advice for a ‘same old, same old’ prayer time.  She said the Lord’s voice seemed absent from her time of prayer.

It led me to wonder today:  What do we expect from our conversation time with God?  . . . for the earth to start moving under our feet? . . . to be able to plan our prayer time and to expect God to conform to this plan? . . . Or do we try to remember that God is the One who initiates the ‘conversation’ whenever we come in prayer?  But I do need to welcome Him, to ‘seek’ Him, and to let Him know that I am there waiting to sit with my beloved Lord and to do my part in developing this relationship.

Do I speak to Him as to one I love?  Do I show up each day and sit, stand or kneel before the Lord and say:  “I’m here beloved One”?  I need to open my heart to the new adventure that every visit can bring.  I need to open the ears of my soul and ‘listen’ to His voice telling me: “I have called you by name, you are mine . . . you are precious in my eyes . . . and I love you.”   (Isaiah 43:1,4)

It is only then that ‘Same old, same old’ can suddenly turn to Joy.

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