


My windshield wipers can barely take away the rain so that I can see my way clearly.  Day after day the rain falls.  My mood reflects the gloom of the day.

A scripture tickles my mind –Isaiah 55:8  “For My thoughts are not your thoughts and your ways are not my ways, declares Yahweh. For the heavens are as high above the earth as My ways are above your ways, My thoughts are above your thoughts.  For, as the rain comes down from the sky and does not return before having watered the earth, fertilizing it and making it germinate to provide seed for the sower and food to eat, so it is with the Word that goes from My mouth; it will not return to Me unfulfilled or before having carried out My good pleasure and having achieved what it was sent to do.

Focusing on these words in this passage changed my attitude, and my way of observing and ingesting the gloom of the day.  Realizing God has a purpose for all things and in all circumstances, I have the freedom to choose whether I give in to my initial mood and feelings or go deeper into His Word and choose gratefulness for the present environment that He is giving me.  I realize He provides all things for His creation, creatures and me in order to grow physically, emotionally and spiritually.  May I learn not to accept and respond to my initial reaction and attitude when confronting any situation but breath, count to 10   and CHOOSE to dig deeper within myself where my God lives remembering that His ways are not my ways. His purposes are not always understood but I must trust in His love that all has purpose and be grateful. In gratitude I find rest and Joy.



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