A Response to the Our Father in this Autumn Season
“And it came to pass as he was praying in a certain place, that when he ceased, one of his disciples said to him, ‘Lord teach us to pray’”. (Luke 11: 1)
As I meditate on this scripture verse, I place myself in a garden, close to where Jesus is praying. Jesus has his legs stretched out in front of him as he rests his body against the trunk of a tree. His eyes are closed and his hands are laying on the grass. Jesus’ breathing is slow and there is serenity in his facial expression. As I watch Jesus, I know he is praying. The garden is filled with the abundance of autumn – the colors, smells and tastes of fruit and vegetables. I can hear the sounds of birds and feel the dampness of the earth and grass. Jesus smiles his quiet smile of knowing as he opens his eyes and acknowledges me. I ask, “Jesus, teach me to pray.” Jesus then guides me in prayer…
Our Father who art in Heaven – Thank You Lord for creating me out of a speck of Heaven.
Hallowed be Thy name – May all creation shout Your glory during this autumn season.
Thy Kingdom come –Help me to spread Your kingdom of peace, compassion and love.
Thy will be done – Unite my will with Your will.
On earth as it is in heaven – May the speck of heaven in me ignite my place in this world.
Give us this day our daily bread – Thank You for the abundance of autumn.
And forgive us our trespasses –Your mercy lies in forgiveness.
As we forgive those who trespass against us – My heart must be broken open so it can be cleansed and filled with Your grace.
And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil – Temptation and evil have a difficult time existing in hearts that forgive and hearts that are open to forgiveness.
May the blessings of autumn surround you!