Come Follow Me

Come Follow Me

“Come Follow Me”
Our present Liturgical season is called “Ordinary Time” and yet there isn’t a single thing ordinary about it.  In the readings for the 2nd Sunday; the disciples ask Jesus where He is staying and Jesus says “Come and See”.  The interesting part of this Gospel is that it says “It was about 4:00 o’clock in the afternoon.”  It makes me think that this is a foreshadowing of the hour after Jesus died and the turmoil the disciples were in at that time.  Is the world any different now than it was then?
Jesus has given us a promise “Come follow Me and I will make you fishers of people!” The disciples immediately left their nets and followed Him.  They were “Ordinary” people like us and yet God empowered them to further the Kingdom of God.
What about the three Wise men?  They listened to God in a dream and returned home by a different road.  They were listening to God just like Samuel was as he said “Here I am Lord, I come to do your will!” (Psalm 40)  What does God ask of me?  Like Samuel he wants me to say “I delight to do Your will, O my God -Your law is within my heart!”
So if I am listening to what God is calling me to do in my heart – this isn’t just an “Ordinary ” day, it’s a new day ……. full of opportunities to listen and carry out God’s will for me.  I have a fridge magnet with a quote from Elizabeth Ann Seton which says, “Contemplate how you are being asked to give you heart to God amidst your everyday activities. Be prepared to meet your grace in every circumstance of life. “

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