“My house is small, no mansion for a millionaire, but there is room for love, and there is room for friends and that’s all I care.”
That was written on a spoon I received many years ago; but it came to mind just the other day while visiting a friend. She commented “I just love my little house!” My husband immediately chimed in saying “This is more than a house – it’s a home!” This was a compliment and I knew he meant more than just the décor! Friends in our lives make us feel welcome and wanted.
When I have been away for awhile, the phrase “There’s no place like home” makes me long for the familiarity of my own comfy bed, and my favourite chair… to say nothing of a relaxing bath. I am always delighted to get back to my own abode! It’s the secure environment where I can be myself and be at “ease”
And yet my friendship with Jesus often calls me to step out of my comfort zone and risk being who God calls me to be. Discipleship calls me to fashion time to sit at Jesus feet each day. If not, I will struggle to feel “at ease” even in my own home. Henri Nouwen in his book “The Way of the Heart” calls us to a desert experience of silence, so that having a “Spiritual abode” … we can become conformed to Jesus in whose name we minister. It was brought to my attention just recently that Jesus asked Martha and Mary who were at Lazarus’ tomb to unbind him. As community, Jesus calls us to “Heal our wounds through service!”
For us “Coming Home” may mean a journey back to the faith, or even a more disciplined prayer time. When we are “At Home” we feel a deep peace; and an inner knowing that this is where we are meant to be: in the heart of God. Joan Chittister in her book “The Monastery of the Heart” says “Silence protects us from our noisy selves and prepares us for the work of God in us.”
“When I close my eyes at night Lord, help me to hear Your voice. Help me to Trust You more. You even provide the sparrows with a home. Thank you for leading me on this journey to my Heavenly HOME, my final destination. Amen”