Healing Stories

Healing Stories

Healing Stories
Read Time: 7.5 minutes 

Often times it is the personal testimony of others that inspires and encourages us to seek God and His will in our lives.  In the book of Revelation it says “the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy”.  When we hear what Jesus is doing in the lives of others we are opened to the possibility that what he did for others he could easily do for us.  At St. Joseph’s parish we have had a healing ministry for many years now.  Periodically people have testified to what Jesus did for them.  This is a summary of a few of these testimonies.

The first story is about a 14 year old girl who had a cyst growing through her spinal cord at in her neck.  This had been a problem for months.  It was causing pressure on the brain and the doctors had to put in a stint to drain off the pressure. Four days after she had come to the healing service with her mom (non catholic) she had a doctors appointment in Edmonton to see how the stint was working.  When the doctor examined her he found that the cyst had completely disappeared. He was completely at a loss as to how this could happen.  The mom came back after a month to tell us the good news.

The second story is about a man who had a falling out with his brother 20 years prior and had not talked to him since.  He came to the prayer team and asked them to pray for reconciliation between them.  The very next night, the brother called and invited the man over for supper.  The man who came for prayers was overjoyed and amazed at how quickly his prayers were answered.  Sometimes the most important healing we can have are in relationships with others.

The third story is about a man, retired from teaching, who went to mass a few times a week, and worked in the soup kitchen for the salvation army.  He reported that suddenly he started having very negative thoughts and impulses.  He was filled with anxiety and thoughts of suicide.  He called on Wednesday night and the monthly healing service was the next night so he came.  He was noticeably anxious as prayers were offered.  The very next night he reported that the all the thoughts and impulses left him right after the service and he was back to normal.  He was well known in the parish and moved away from Grande Prairie some time ago.  I had occasion to ask about his well being years later and found he was doing well with no reoccurrence of the problem.

The fourth story is about a young lady.  She came to the healing service anxious and physically shaking.  At the time I thought it was so sad that someone so young in the prime of life was so debilitated.  We prayed and she left.  The following month a young lady came up for prayers … it was her.  Her appearance had changed such that I did not recognize it was her.  She was no longer shaking and there was no stress in her face.  She said that she could not believe how a few simple prayers could have changed her life as much as they did.  She said “you don’t have to pray for me, you did that last month.  I would like you to pray for my parents.”  Sometimes answers to prayers comes very quickly and sometimes they take a long time.  Either way, when answered, they are a great source of encouragement.

The fifth story is about an older lady.  It is also a story of perseverance.  She came to the healing service often, as well as other healing services wherever she could find them.  She had 3 serious diseases.  The one I remember was cancer.  After a couple of years we lost track of her for a year or so.  When she did resurface we found out that she had been healed of all 3 diseases including the cancer.  She was a woman of great faith and she put it into practice when she needed it most.

The sixth story is about a 10 year old girl and her family.  In this case the healing team was asked do go to a private residence (the family were not church goers).  The girl was having wild experiences at night far beyond the normal night mares that many have.  After a short visit with the parents and a two minute prayer with the girl her night torments completely ceased.  The family was so moved that they became regular parishioners at St. Joseph’s church.

These are just a few stories of what Jesus did as people came and asked him in faith to help.  I could not begin even to remember all the times people came with great anxiety and left in peace and hope.  What we have found is that often times people don’t think to come and tell us when good things happen so I am sure what I have shared with you is just a small sample of what he has done.

On a sober note it is a fact that not everyone gets the healing that they ask for.  Many of us, myself included, have been in painful situations in which healing never seemed to come.  This we don’t understand.  However we do know that God is good, and the source of all goodness.  There is no darkness in Him and He loves all people deeply.  I have decided that I can trust Him completely.  When we come to Him in prayer we never leave empty handed.  I am firmly convinced that prayer always makes a huge difference … and in time we will understand.

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