Sacramental Preparation and FAQ

Sacramental Preparation and FAQ

Attending Catholic Schools Vs. Other

Children attending a Catholic school will be prepared by their teachers at school. Children who do not attend a Catholic school are prepared at St Joseph Church in the Parish-Based Program.  Parents are required to attend the 6 sessions with their child.


Parent Information Night:

Parents will be asked to attend an information zoom meeting. The link to the meeting will be emailed the day of the meeting. Parents will learn more about the sacrament their child will be receiving and on how they can support their children as they journey to receive this sacrament.


Presentation of  Students:

Prior to beginning preparation for the Sacraments, families are invited to come at any of the Masses of  the preparation weekend. The children will be called forward with a parent, Godparent or Guardian to the front of the church to be presented to the parish community. The parish community will welcome and pray for these children and families as they continue their preparation to receiving their sacraments.


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