There are three things that last forever – faith, hope and love – and the greatest of these is love. (1Corinthians 13:13)
This much-loved and often quoted scripture came alive for me today in very different circumstances. It began with a funeral for a young man. So much love was shared in the midst of terrible grief. This life is fragile. The love we’ve shared is the most important legacy we leave. Those were my thoughts when I stopped at the Dollarama on my way home. It was a few days before St. Valentine’s Day, and every person in the very long line at checkout had some form of a heart in their hands. Now, I can be rather cynical about St. Valentine’s Day. I’ve thought that its commercialization makes “love” superficial and trivial. But not today. Today God’s love beamed from the Mom holding craft supplies for her kids; from the child clutching a heart-shaped balloon; from the girlfriends giggling over the Valentine cards they’d found. There was God – in every person holding a small gift for someone they loved. Love is the greatest, and God is its source.
Loving God, let us celebrate Your love every day, and give us eyes to see the potential to love in all circumstances.