Where did Mary Go? When taking out our Nativity Scene this year I realized that Mary was missing!!! The little grands had misplaced her while playing with the cows and sheep in the stable last year. I found another and much to my dismay …this Mary didn’t match the other figurines at all! I realized It wouldn’t matter much to the grandkids, but it started me thinking about Mary. The Holy Spirit breathed on her and from the moment of her “Yes” her destiny was decided…. she would be the Mother of God. From her we learn lessons of great faith, humility and complete selflessness. She travelled far to encourage Elizabeth and share in the “Blessing” bestowed upon her cousin in her old age…. “For nothing is impossible with God.” They both rejoiced and glorified God as Mary proclaimed His Greatness! She journeyed on a donkey through the cold dark night to Bethlehem to birth her baby. She was with Jesus through all His childhood events from the “Presentation in the temple”, to their “flight into Egypt”. She lost Him as a child in the temple” and stood by Him in pain watching and supporting Him as He suffered, died and rose again. Mary “knew” and pondered all things quietly in her heart.
Today Mary “knows” the pain of a mother who sees her child suffering. She knows how it hurts to see someone helpless and condemned for something they didn’t do. She knows how it feels to have a son judged and ridiculed. She hears our heartfelt cries for help and “knows” that Her Son can heal all our wounds as we place our trust in Him. As we await the celebration of His birth these lines from a friend in a Christmas letter encapture the Hope we feel “with Mary”.
Jesus came as a tiny babe that He might better understand our sufferings;
He came not to dominate, but to motivate; not to condemn but to forgive;
Not to oppress but to free our souls; not to compel, but to teach us
The truest measure of unselfish love.
With Jesus let’s try to understand another’s’ pain. Let’s learn to forgive others wholeheartedly so that we can be free ourselves. Let’s try to be free with our generosity according to Gods will. Let’s remember that Mary didn’t go anywhere; she’s only a prayer away!! With Mary we ponder all these things in our heart and try to comprehend God’s closeness to us as we gaze at the “Mystery” in the manger. “Emmanuel – God with Us!” God is “With Us”” as this miracle takes place in the hearts of all who believe. Come Holy Spirit inflame our hearts with your Love; instruct us in your ways; come wash away our worldliness and clutter so that we may know the “Mystery” of the Manger.