
Donate to Saint Joseph Parish

There are a variety of ways to give to Saint Joseph Parish. We try to provide as many options as possible so we can help our members give in the way that works best for them. If you have any questions about the ways to give, please email our Finance Officer, Joanne Chiasson:


Credit Card(Required)
American Express
Supported Credit Cards: American Express, MasterCard, Visa
Expiration Date
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PAP (Personally Approved Payments)

PAP (Personally Approved Payments) allows members to give by setting up an automatic withdrawal from their bank account on a regular basis. You can click the thumbnail to download the form the sign up for PAP, which you can bring to the office, e-mail to Joanne, or put in the collection basket the next time you’re at Mass.

If you prefer to donate using a credit card, please click here or the thumbnail and complete the Credit Card Monthly Donation form.


Donations envelopes are ready for pick up! Please stop by the office during regular office hours (8:30am-12 and 1-5).

When you sign up for envelopes, you will receive a package with envelopes for each week of the year, as well as special envelopes with additional collections during the year. The money you give can be tracked during the year for a tax receipt as well, which is a nice bonus for supporting the mission. Contact the parish office to pick up your envelopes today!


Etransfers can only be sent to  Please include your name, address and donation category.

Special Collections 2024

Sign up for pre-authorized payments or automatic credit card payments for the Special Collections for 2024. The online donations is also updated for the coming year to include options for “Building Maintenance Fund” and all “Special Collections”.