Masses: 9:00 am, 11:00 am, 1:00 pm Liturgy of the Word with Children at 9 & 11 am Mass
A live-action dramatization reflection of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Performed by Ignite young adults and parishioners of St. Joseph Church.
We gather on Mondays from 9am- 3pm in Liguori Hall. All are welcome. No sewing skills required. Bring your own lunch. Please contact the parish office for more information.
We gather on Mondays from 9am- 3pm in Liguori Hall. All are welcome. No sewing skills required. Bring your own lunch. Please contact the parish office for more information.
Parents will be asked to attend an information zoom meeting. The zoom meeting room will be open 10 minutes prior to the start time. Parents will learn more about the Sacrament of […]
We gather ever Wednesday morning upstairs in the St. John Paul II Room from 9:30am- 11am. All ladies welcome (including newcomers)!
Children welcome. Come as you are for faith, fun and fellowship.
SALT (Sharing and Learning Together) Youth Group Grade 3-6 Registration open. Email or see bulletin board at the back of the church for registration forms. SALT is a youth […]