Parish Blog

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Encountering God in the Autumn Season

ENCOUNTERING GOD IN THE AUTUMN SEASON Autumn arrives with abundance – abundance that touches all our senses. We see the colorful leaves as they crunch …

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Always Becoming

Always Becoming One of the sounds of summer that I love is water sprinkling on the fresh cut grass and children’s squeals of delight as ...
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Our Teachers

OUR TEACHERS Philosophers ask deep questions of life. Great minds unravel how and what of things. Inventors ask, why not. Explorers take us to new ...
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‘Saint Alphonsus Liguori and The Practice of the Love of Jesus Christ’

  ‘Saint Alphonsus Liguori and The Practice of the Love of Jesus Christ’ The last couple of months, I have devoted mch of my prayer ...
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Mysteries I am not a devout prayer of the Rosary, but as I sit beside my dying loved one I find I cannot pray.  All ...
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CHOICES My windshield wipers can barely take away the rain so that I can see my way clearly.  Day after day the rain falls.  My ...
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Positive Ripples

Positive Ripples I recently attended a funeral for a person that died very suddenly and unexpectedly. We attended the funeral: a wonderful service with many ...
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Pentecost “This is Holy Ground, we’re standing on Holy Ground, for the Lord is Present and where He is is Holy”.[1] Recognizing the Holy in ...
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Spring is a Miracle

Spring is a Miracle Spring’s arrival can be swift or slow in coming. However, it always delivers a season of glory. The pussy willows pop ...
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Created in God’s Image

CREATED IN GOD’S IMAGE A space. A gap. Distance. Separation. Connotations of individuality. And if there is no space? Together. United. Joined. Communal. Connotations of ...
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Same Old, Same Old!

Same old, same old! Has someone ever answered your question of how are you, with a ‘same old, same old’ response? A friend asked me ...
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