Welcome to the Sacrament of Reconciliation
First Reconciliation, also known as First Confession, is an important sacrament in a Catholic child’s spiritual journey. It is when they confess their sins to a priest and receive absolution for their wrongdoing. At St. Joseph Catholic Church, we believe that this sacrament is a beautiful way for children to experience God’s mercy and grace.
On this page you will find information for preparing and celebrating the Sacrament of First Reconciliation at St. Joseph Church in Grande Prairie, AB! We are dedicated to helping children experience God’s love and forgiveness through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Save the upcoming dates for Reconciliation
There are a few important dates you will need to remember and attend in the preparation for First Reconciliation including the parent info night, presentation masses, and the celebrations themselves.
Not Attending
Catholic School?
Not in Grade 2?
Children who do not attend a Catholic school, or missed receiving the sacrament in grade 2, are prepared at St Joseph Church in the Parish-Based Program. Parents are required to attend the 6 sessions with their child.
Parish-based classes: Tuesdays from 6:30pm – 8:30pm: February 4-25; March 4 and 11 in Modern Martyrs Room.
For more information, please contact Beatriz at SJC-Sacraments@gpcsd.ca or call 780-532-2351, ext. 228.
Join us at our Parent Information Night
We are thrilled to share this sacred moment with you and your family. Parents will be asked to attend an informational zoom meeting. The link to the meeting will be emailed the day of the meeting. Parents will learn more about the sacrament of first Eucharist and on how they can support their children as they journey to receive this sacrament.
Also, in preparation for the sacrament, one of the best ways for you to prepare your child for this sacrament is to model forgiveness and receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Our children learn about forgiveness when we forgive them, each other, and ourselves.
Register your child today!
Here in Grande Prairie, whether your child attends a Catholic school or not, or if he/she did not receive this sacrament in grade 2, all registrations for Sacraments are processed through St. Joseph Catholic Church. All children need to be registered online. If your child was not baptized in our parish please provide a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate when you register. The registration for 2025 Sacraments is now closed.
For more information, please contact Beatriz at SJC-Sacraments@gpcsd.ca or call 780-532-2351, ext. 228.
More information about First Reconciliation

First Reconciliation Dates & Info 2025
Please see below the important dates and events for celebrating your child’s First Reconciliation. For more information, please contact Beatriz at SJC-Sacraments@gpcsd.ca or

First Reconciliation Resources
Looking to learn more about Reconciliation? Check out some of these amazing resources to help you and your child prepare